Camping comes in many forms – tent camping, cabin camping, RV camping, or sleeping under the stars. No matter which way you camp, you’ll find the same great benefits. Here are 10 reasons why our team loves camping.
1. It Allows You to Explore New Places
Camping gives you the freedom to explore new places you may not regularly go to. You are not restricted to places that only have hotels and guest lodges. Instead, anywhere you can reach can be your campground.
2. Camping is Peaceful and Relaxing
Life is high stress and pushes you to the limits. Nature soothes the soul and relaxes the body. Immerse yourself fully in nature next camping trip.
3. You Can Have a Vacation on a Budget
Vacations don’t have to be expensive. An RV spot at a campground near Quebec City starts at around 60 CAD a night. A hotel in Quebec City will start around 160 CAD a night. You can go further and travel more while camping than if you were paying the costs of airfare and hotels.
4. The Smells and Sounds are Unforgettable
- Crips, fresh air after a rainstorm.
- The burning logs in a fire pit.
- Sweet-smelling leaves hanging over your table.
- Then at night, sit back to hear nature’s orchestra play songs uninterrupted by cars, planes, and people’s chatter.
5. Camping Is an Interactive Activity
If you are looking for a way to bring your family closer together, nothing quite beats a family camping trip. Camping teaches cooperation through setting up your campsite, gathering supplies, and making meals together. It also places many people in a small space which encourages interaction.
Get your family together outside at campgrounds that offer outside activities like swimming, mini-golf, and movies under the stars.
6. Going on a Camping Trip is Good for your Health
Get yourself away from the pollution of the city and the stuffy air of your office, and enjoy nature’s own medicine. Vitamin D is necessary for your health because it boosts your immune system. This essential vitamin comes from being out in the sun.
Fresh air’s health benefits include energizing, boosting your mood, and strengthening your immune system.
7. Camping Trips Spark Your Imagination
Camping often requires going to places with very few comforts. There are no TVs and electronics at every head-turn. Instead, you use your imagination to solve daily needs and entertain yourself.
8. You Are Always Learning Something New
Between the wildlife and the plants, there is plenty to see and experience on a camping trip. Hiking across mountains and visiting oceans also exposes you to more of the world. Along the way, you are constantly learning both about yourself and the world around you.
9. Camping Pushes You Out of Your Comfort Zone
You won’t have access to your regular conveniences during a camping trip. And that’s okay. Camping will push you out of your comfort zone. You’ll have to solve issues in different ways, interact with strangers you may not otherwise speak with and visit places that might make you uncomfortable. These are ways to grow as a person.
10. You Have Space to Yourself
Introverts rejoice! Camping gives you space to yourself. You can either stay in a large campground – if you do prefer the personal interaction – or go off the trail where there is not another person in sight. Camping gives you the freedom to stay off the beaten track.
Share Your Own Camping Story
Introvertis, réjouissez-vous ! Le camping vous donne de l’espace pour vous. Alors que vous pouvez camper dans un grand camping si vous avez envie de rencontrer des gens, vous pouvez aussi sortir des sentiers battus pour plus d’intimité. Le camping vous donne cette liberté.
These reasons why our team loves camping are just a few of the many reasons to get outdoors.
Stop by Leisure Days RV Centre Gatineau at the Buckingham location to share some of the reasons you love camping. You can also look through the many RVs for sale and trade-ins to find something for your next camping trip.