Without proper planning, your camping trip can be quite boring. It’s, therefore, crucial to have a to-do list before you hit the road. 

Besides exploring the great outdoors, you can also engage your family in some fun camping games to keep everyone active and happy all through the trip. This is a great way of bonding and connecting with your loved ones.

What are the Best Games for a Family Camping Trip? 

Here are some fun camping games that you should certainly include in your camping to-do list:

1. Water Relay

Camping in the hot summer? Cool off with a game of water relay. All you need is some identical water cups, buckets, and a lot of people – the more, the merrier. 

Make several lines with equal number of people and hand everyone on the line a cup. The first person on every line should have their cup full of water and access to more. They’re supposed to pour the water overhead, and the person behind them should try to collect as much water as possible, and then do the same to the other person behind. The first team to fill their bucket wins. 

Expect to get really wet.

2. I Spy

Every kid loves this classic. It’s a great way to help them develop their visual tracking skills.

To play the game, choose a player as the first spy. The spy should look around, select an item they can see, and give a clue about the item.  For instance, the spy can say, “I spy with my little eyes something starting with a letter “b”. The other players will give guesses of the item while looking around. The player who gets the correct answer becomes the next spy.

Camping grounds put your kids in a calm environment, and this game will help them appreciate the natural resources of the great outdoors.

3. Obstacle Course

Do you want to burn off some calories while camping? Try to create an obstacle course on your camping grounds.  Most campgrounds have equipment and structures with ready obstacle courses. If your camp doesn’t, here are some challenging activities you can try out: 

  •     Crawl under the picnic table
  •     Hop on hoops placed a few feet apart
  •     Walk on a thick rope
  •     Do 5-star jumps
  •     Jump over obstacles
  •     Run a sack race to the finish line

You can modify the game with the available equipment at your disposal.

4. Counselor Makeover

Is bad weather keeping you from enjoying the outdoors? Then you can play Counselor Makeup inside your RV. All you need are some old clothes, wigs, and makeup. To play the game, you need to divide yourselves into two groups. Each group should pick a counselor and dress them up within 10 minutes. When time is up, each group reveals their counselor in a mini-fashion show. The best-dressed counselor wins a price.

5. Story Time

Instead of telling scary stories around a campfire, play Story Time to allow everyone to participate actively. Choose one player to begin the first few lines of a story and let the other members continue with the story. As they go on, let them make it funnier and more absurd.

Buy an RV for the Ultimate Family Camping Vacation

To make the family trip more memorable and comfortable, consider getting a reliable RV. If you’re looking for an RV for sale, you can always count on LeisureDays Gatineau. We have different types of RVs to accommodate all your family members and needs. 

Check out our available RVs to find something you like.